Thank you all so very much. You've helped give me some great follow up questions, other points to consider, terrific tips and just generally let me know I'm not just deep in denial here. I'm going to find someone who specializes in gifted to get a second opinion and we're already moving forward with OT. The overdiagnosis issue is exactly why I'm really struggling with this. The test parameters that the psych is pointing to are the outliers or are all referring to one situation -- in groups of peers. I feel like they can be explained by other issues like fine motor deficit and boredom just as easily as ADHD (there was a tester-described "very boring" inattention test done on computer during the end of a 5 hour test day -- I would have scored badly on it). DH is definitely ADHD and I see all the signs and symptoms. With DS I just don't see the inattention. He is "here" where his Dad is much more off in his own world, is disorganized, irresponsible, etc. All the behavioral stuff could also be overexcitabilities or sensory issues and so I'm just confused and uncomfortable. I can see why ADHD fits but I can also strongly see why not. I know there are multiple presentations of ADHD, but I also know that gifted boys who are young for their grades are at super high risk of misdiagnosis. Ugh -- this is just hard.

Thanks again so much to everyone. Not sure what everyone did before there were resources like this. Thank you, thank you, thank you.