"Now, my boy is not very motivated, I'm afraid. He is not going to put forth effort to find harder work for himself. But I'm really worried that he is learning that he never has to work in school, that he's getting a horrible attitude toward school, and that by 3rd grade he will be unable/unwilling to put forth effort to work hard!!"

Susan, that is exactly how I feel! Our gifted programs don't start until third grade either and even though my son is only in kindergarten, the difference in his attitude toward school and school work between now and the start of the school year is amazing. It's heartbreaking really....what a let down to these little guys!

The school must recognize his advanced abilities if they are testing him. How did it come to be that they administered the Stanford-Binet? Did you have to push for that or were they willing at a simple request...or did they recommend it themselves?

I am not nearly as knowledgable as most in this forum but I do remember finding a lot of info about parent/teacher conferences and maintaining good parent-teacher relationships by googling it. It was really helpful before going to my first conference.

Good luck and I hope you'll stay around and keep us updated!