our situation last year ended in total disaster, but the one thing that did really work (along the journey) was keeping DD5 apprised of meetings/recommendations as we had them, while being clear with her that we expected a three-pronged approach: the school officials would do one part, the parents would do the second part and the kid would do the third part. we spent a lot of time with her talking about which parts (if any) she could make better on her own - she had a lot of good suggestions and implemented them remarkably well.

it really kept her alive until we finally saw that the school wasn't going to do anything, regardless of how hard we worked at our parts. at that point, we decided to look around for other options.

Last edited by doubtfulguest; 08/07/13 08:41 AM.

Every Sunday it brooded and lay on the floor. Inconveniently close to the drawing-room door.