DD actually likes graphic novels of books, I think because she just like graphic novels. Right now she's reading manga Much Ado about nothing. I like that most graphic novels we've found keep most of the language. I did order the graphic A Wrinkle in Time from the library because of that, though I hope it doesn't spoil the fun of L'Engle for her in the long run.

The fairy books are inane and repetitive but generally good messages, for which I am grateful what with all the snotty kids in books. I've found plenty of other fairy books (DD would only read fantasy for a long while) but they all have the mean girl stereotype the heroine is up against. Bah.

Here are some of the easy chapter books she's been into: Fairy Chronicles, Fairy Realm, Clementine, Dick King Smith's Sophie series, Betsy-Tacy, Daisy Dawkins, the magic ballet slippers, the jewel princesses, this side of magic, Airy Fairy, Heidi Heckelbeck, mermaid SOS, and then graphic novels like Zita and Courageous Princess.