I don't like them because the "language " in the originals is an integral reason why the books are classics. I've read a few classics to my six hear old, but only what he will sit through. So far I have read aloud much of the Little House series, Peter Pan, the Wizard of Oz, and we are near to finishing the first Alice in Wonderland. Next is probably A Little Princess or the Secret Garden.

I've found that his ear quickly adjusts to the writing style, even the flowery stuff, and he quickly becomes involved in the story.

Agree with previous posters- if my son became independently interested, I wouldn't say no. I've found out that it's a mistake to direct his reading choices. Right now, he basically only wants to read comic books and graphic novels. It's a bit maddening, but when I tried to redirect him, he rebelled. I spoke with my grandma who said "well, he's reading for enjoyment and his mother is telling him what to enjoy. I'd get mad too."