Thanks for the thoughts and advice.

The OT we saw "used to work closely with schools". Yet, I'm sure they are used to seeing more complex, physically challenged kids.

Thanks Portia for talking about the gap. This is how it was explained to me by the neuropsych. I actually did try to explain this to the OT, but it fell on deaf ears.

MON- as for name of specifics, I'm not sure. I would say some fine motor- playing with putty, twirling a pencil (which ds begged the whole time to do with his R hand) she was assessing L, because he writes lefty. Then, I think visual motor- drawing a line and has to stay in gray box, copying easy patterns. (I tried to explain during neuropsych testing, he could not replicate pictures like a circle with an t in the middle, or a square inside a triangle- wrong size, wrong place, no angles to shapes that required them.) she did have him copy a sentence about sharks and was impressed that he memorized the sentence and rewrote it with correct spelling- as a rising 1st grader.

Mk13- school will definitely NOT evaluate, because he is above grade level. School hasn't seen any problems, yet, principal is onboard with him needing differentiation and challenge.

Overall, I'm hoping this OT may give us exercises to do at home. Then, recontact the original OT that was recommendation. Guess you get what you pay for, right?

Thanks again. This board has been a lifesaver for me the past year! Hoping the upcoming school year will be better!