Canmom, you are the expert on your son, but he meets the criteria monjust with his GAI but also on FSIQ, and his processing speed is well above average, I doubt you need to be concerned. Certainly if his FSIQ was 10-15 points lower than the cutoff and his GAI only juts scraped in, your concerns might be very valid, but that's not what you are looking at here. Very few children have processing speed fully into the gifted range. I would hazard a guess that his score pattern would be common to ideal for a program with a 140 cutoff.

I know you mention worry about scatter but these scores look fairly normally distributed to me. It's not "normal" to have scores all line up in tidy row. also note that comprehension is commonly a little lower than other VCI scores, especially in young boys (it's more about social comprehension, certainly not to do with reading comprehension). I wouldn't worry!