DS6 recently took the WISC IV. There was some scatter in his results and I'm a bit concerned about the processing speed score. I am considering applying to a local gifted school and I don't know if his relatively low processing score may cause stress? Also there seems to be a lot of scatter in his scores. I talked with the tester and she didn't seem concerned, and my other forum was quick to point out that there doesn't appear to be a learning disability- but slower processing can cause otherwise bright kids to be unable to keep up?

VCI 142
Similarities 18
Vocabulary 18
Comprehension 15

PRI 133
Block Design 17
Picture Concepts 13
Matrix Reasoning 16

WMI 132
Digit Span 13
Letter Number 18

PSI 121
Coding 13
Symbol Search 14

FSIQ 141
GAI 146