Originally Posted by puffin
[quote=gabalyn]I will chime in to say that I think that play based pre-schools can work well for gifties. The painful thing about school is being forced to "learn" what you already know. Unless a kid is very academically driven, finger paints and dress up can't really go wrong. And there is scads of research about the cognitive benefits of play. [/quote

I agree. You can do some academics at home if you like but let them play at pre-school. The difference between your child and other kids is probably the smallest it is ever going to be and the ability to just play together or side by side in the sandpit fades fast.

I'll second this. We didn't know ds11 was gifted when he was in preschool and though it was a lovely, nurturing place, and had a bit of academics (kids would sit on the floor and "read" books, academics were not the focus.) it was a great environment for him.
It's funny to think about it now, how I was coming to the conclusion that after already having a gifted son eleven years older, our youngest was going to be a happy, well-rounded, average student. Ha!

Last edited by KADmom; 07/24/13 06:29 AM.