I need to go read this book! I think I see this philosophy taking shape at our school this year. DD8 is intellectually gifted and thrives on achievement, I've seen her with a few other children and they are doing above level achievement work at school.
Recently the principal agreed that DD5 could do an independent project with a teacher. The agreement was that she will, and it sounds like they are using it as a test case for maybe forming the second type of "gifted pullout", where the emphasis is not strictly on doing academic work several grade levels above.

I really hope they are able to integrate this, as I'm not sure DD5 will ever be motivated by academic achievement.
In fact, I'd never guess a 5 year old could start underachieving, I would have guessed that comes much later.
Unfortunately, that's what we are dealing with here.

Thanks for the book rec, I'll definately check it out.