I'll also reiterate the advice to not look too far down the road with a toddler/preschooler like this. I was one of these kids, and my mom told some pretty hair-raising tales about my exploits.

Your story about the railings reminds me--

When I was not yet two, she looked out the kitchen window to find me 8-12 feet up one of our gnarled old fruit trees... terrified, she didn't RUSH outside for fear of "scaring me and causing me to fall" but by the time she gingerly came around the back of the house, I was "down from that tree and higher still in another one."

She put my crib railing down permanently and removed all the hanging decorations from my room before I was a year old-- after she discovered how my mobile was winding up IN the crib with me after every naptime... I was standing on the crib rail and pulling it down, evidently.

Anyway. Same thing.

I do still have great body awareness, balance, and flexibility. I also enjoyed tumbling and gymnastics-- a LOT. That one runs in the family, fwiw-- I have 6 cousins who were nationally ranked gymnasts in their teens. I never broke a bone as a kid, in spite of my daredevil ways-- though I did eventually sustain a back injury (disc) doing something stupid without a spotter. In my mid 40's now, I am paying for that one.

But I couldn't hit (or catch) a baseball to save my own life. I can't play tennis. I struggle even with volleyball, bowling and badminton. There's nothing wrong with my eyesight-- I just don't have the right neural wiring to process the inputs in real time.

I can golf, sail, and am pretty good at martial arts.

Last edited by HowlerKarma; 07/19/13 06:18 PM. Reason: clarification. I was <2, not my mom.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.