Well,I was asking about John Hopkins and Denver, because my son, who is a 5th grader, is actually old enough to apply to the program. We did apply, he was tested and actually tested high enough to receive honors - he will be among other top scoring kids receiving an award at the University of Utah in May. He is not proud about scoring high, I guess he is used to it, but he is extremely proud about getting an award at the university.
My son did exhibit all of the anxious behaviours gifted toddlers and preschoolers can exhibit. However at that time I did not even think about the fact that he is gifted - I simply felt stupid and inadequate when he was getting extremely anxious and agitated when we had visitors (jumping on the sofa for what seemed all the time, running around the coffee table as we were trying to have a conversation, worrying about things that seemed to be unimportant). My parents suggested a visit to a psychologist but I was terrified of having him labelled - instead I tried to channel his energies.
The first time I thought about the fact that he might be gifted, and not just handful, was after a second grade standardized test, when everything was at 99% except for vocabulary at 98%, which I thought was exceptional since he is fluent in another language and we do not use English at home at all. I asked his teacher what that meant and how does this compare to other kids - her reply was that he is going to achieve great things in life...but nothing as far as school has changed. My son was unhappy at school but he never said that he was bored, never! He was probably sensing that something was wrong but could not put it together. And now I blame myself for not looking around at different options sooner. Bu he was in a private school, I thought, what better can I do for him?
I wrote somewhere here before that last year we had a life changing experience. We switched schools and my son, being in a regular 5th grade classroom, is able to take Algebra and advance LA. His new school does ability grouping. Last week he was given an end of level science test for 6th grade - I was not aware of that but that just proves that this school is looking for the best way to accomodate his needs. They did approach us about a grade skip, so far I am very reluctant. His math teacher has already told me that next year he will be taking an online geometry class. He is a secretary on a student council, played Willy Wonka in an over an hour long production of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" - this school is great for my son. So we have been realy blessed in finding this school, but also, as my son's teacher wrote in her recommendation letter to Denver, he can find a new thing in a material he has already mastered, he will take of from the subject presented at school and work on it independently at home. Right now this problem is a danger of tsunami, should a major earthquake occur beneath Salt Lake. His teacher thinks there is one an he is trying to prove her wrong. The great part is that she is letting him do that!
I quess what I am trying to say here, is that there is hope. As our gifted kids are growing, they are more able to control those anxious behaviours that were overwhelming for them when they were younger. My son is turning into a young men that is able to control his emotions (most of the time :-), and he has found the place where he belongs as far as school. I do hope that he will progress along this line and not end up on some kind of an antidepressant by the time he is 16. I try to teach him how to cope with stress and anxiety - running, swimming, art, music are all parts of his life. He has many more friends now than he ever did, I quess he is beginning to recognize that he has to make some accomodations in his interests and behavior in order to become a better friend. The outlook at this time is really positive.
But going back to Denver - I am very anxious as to how this whole experience will play on us. Anyone out there who knows anything about Summer Institute? Please share.