Thanks St Margaret. I will look them up. We had a talk this morning about the article and figured out a few things. She doesn't like putting anything on paper that isn't in the structure it is supposed to be first Physically writing is frustrating because it is too slow for her thoughts, but she likes her writing neat so writing faster and messy is not a good option. She also doesn't like the tedious exercise of writing and rewriting. Also, erasing makes the paper messy, which she of course, hates. Stream of conscious writing is torture because her mind moves too fast for her writing to keep. She was relieved that her frustration was not unusual and we decided that we would take a an approach of a "3-yr plan to enjoying writing" (which I hope is shorter but a longer timeframe goal will help her accept the baby steps better) The first thing we will start with is teaching her how to type. In school, they have to write but in 3-yrs, if not sooner, they will be typing and I want her to be good at it. Also, we will work on verbalizing what she wants to say first, organizing it verbally, and then putting it to paper. I like the idea of looking at the structure and process for different genres. Thank you St. Margaret for the book suggestion. I will look in the library. We are actually homeschooling our DD8 (a younger one) this year and I will use all of this advice with her too. Hopefully, we will start with a better experience.