Thank you both, that helps so much!

I have another math program coming, with lots of manipulatives, and we have a montessori background, so once we get to the hard stuff, I will pull those out and start moving laterally.

I just really have no concept of what normal brains look like. smile It seems to me that she can learn anything, and I do not understand why kids are not taught so much more in school than they are...but that must be because my kid is not normal, and I am totally clueless.

I know she can do all basic math...and understands abstracts, so I jsut really dont see where she will stop. I suspect it will be a patience/time issue for, she will get bored or frustrated with the length of time it takes to work a problem with too many steps. She is an impatient child. I expect THAT will get better as she ages, and I dont really care if she is doing calculus at age 6. sheesh.

Boy howdy, this is all such uncharted territory. kids are amazing.

Thank you!

Last edited by cdc3030; 07/08/13 05:06 PM.