So, I joined an EPGY group (thanks ohmathmom!!)

And DD is blasting through it. I started her in K, as she is 5. she has never used a computer, so although the work is far too easy, I figured it was good practice to learn mousing skills.

I figure, based on work we have done at home, she will start to struggle at 2nd-3rd grade level.

What happens to kids when it starts getting hard? She is just a baby, so we have not ever tried to teach her anything progressive, and I think we will hit a limit where her brain is just not mature enough for the concepts. I am not sure where that is, of course (she maxed out the Wppsi last month in language and a few other areas).

She tends to get very very stressed out when she finds something difficult, so I expect we will hit that limit first, but I was just curious what others experiences were with young children like this.

If you teach them something like math, where the skills are they hit a point where they simply cannot go any further, and you must wait for their brains to develop? Or, can they just keep learning?

I guess i have not read anything about intellectual development like this...
