What does your son do when he's sitting out in the hall alone?

Our AR program is the same. I know they have a computer in DD's classroom where she could take the tests, but I don't know how often she does them, if at all. She hasn't mentioned it recently. I think that's because they are having her focus more on math right now.

Accelerated Math is a software program similar to AR. DD gets a multi-page printout of math questions with multiple choice answers. She fills this out and the teacher transfers her answers to a "bubble card." (I think older kids fill out their own bubble cards but DD's teacher does this part for her.) The card is read by a scanner, and the info goes into the computer which scores the assignment, records her grade, and prints out a report. She brings home both the question sheets and the report.

The report says something across the top like "[DD's name], you answered 25 out of 25 problems correctly (100%) and mastered 5 objectives." Then it lists the specific objectives of the questions (example: "Add 2-digit numbers, re-group") and the results for each objective. If she got some questions wrong, it shows which ones, what answer she gave, and the correct answer. There's also a summary of "results to date" for the marking period and the school year.