N, my son is a year younger than yours. He was allowed to attend a mixed age K for the 2012/2013 school year and will be going back to the same class for the 2013/2014 school year. This is the year he is supposed to be starting K.

For a beginning kindergartener his reading, writing and math skills are fine. He can write his name, writes short words, reads Bob books, knows about half of the K sight words, and does single digit addition by counting in his head.

The things that stand out as dyslexia clues include the following:
1. Reversals and inversions - his teacher who has taught 40 years and has dyslexic children has not seen a student like him. He seriously must look at things from all angles without even realizing it. It is u to n, 6 to 9, f to t, p, d, q and b are interchangeable. If he has context like a story or illustrations he can work through possibilities in his head quickly enough that he will only make a few mistakes. For example if he see a man with a child on the page, he will say "dad". If he sees the word dad on a blank page alone, there is a good chance he will say bad or dap. He will also do full word reversals like on for no and was for saw.

2. We also have dyslexia in our family so we were on the look out for it.

3. The things he does well very much fits a dyslexic profile. If you read The Dyslexic Advantage, pm me and I will explain.

4. His aversion to reading, writing and math seem LDish to me. Maybe this is mom instinct but his reaction isn't "Ah Mom, this is no fun. I would rather play".