Originally Posted by Val
Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
DD always found it just slightly off-putting that this kind of thing turns BOTH of her parents into giddy and slightly scary geeky people who are willing to try just about anything to 'see what happens' by the way. blush

My high school chemistry teacher was like that. He had some spare elemental sodium lying around. As in a big chunk of it. I mean, a big honking chunk. He decided it was dangerous and that he should dispose of it.

Field trip!

So he took the sodium and chemistry class to the bridge over the river in town and used a catapult-like device to fling it in.

A big bubble formed and then there was a big explosion. It was very cool and everyone cheered.

Here's a youtube video using a small chunk. I like the American flag at the end. It was a nice touch.

This brought Ms. Frizzle to mind. (Wonder what design she would have on her outfit?)