DS7 is a DYS and globally gifted. He announced to a pediatric specialist, the physician assistant, four nurses, and the receptionist that the visit "was a waste because it cost about 50 bucks and all we did was have a 10 minute conversation." I apologized to the doctor and told him that he was very much appreciated and I didn't share my son's point of view. I could not get my son to stop at the time; he repeated the comment when the doctor said, "what" because he didn't quite understand him at first. Much later, I discussed why I valued the physician, how much he's helped us, and why sometimes just checking in with this specialist when well is necessary to ensure everything is indeed okay and to be able to access him when necessary. My son understood, but also asked if I didn't think it was a little bit funny, too. (Yes. in 20 years after I finished dying of mortification.)

This isn't the only time my son has done such a thing. He recently told his speech therapist that she wasn't doing a very good job with an infant she sees right before him because the barely toddling infant could only say hi "after all this time she has worked with him."

How do you handle these types of comments? What would you do?

Last edited by Mom2277; 06/16/13 08:03 PM.