I'd appreciate suggestions to help my DD (rising 3rd-grader) with her math studies outside of school, espc over the Summer. Here's the situation:

DD (8.5 years) has taken the NWEA MAP in Fall/Spring each year, starting w/1st grade. Her Reading scores have always been 99th percentile. Her Spring 2013 score was 224. While the school provides no acceleration or reading enrichment for DD, we have an extensive home library & great public library system, newspapers & magazines at home, etc. and very limited screen time, so she seems to do well enough on her own.

Math is another story. Her end-of-1st grade MAP scores put her in the 96th percentile: 202 (Spring 2012). Her Fall 2012 MAP Math scores put her in the 89th percentile: 194. Her most recent MAP Math, taken at the end of 2nd grade, put her in the 78th percentile: 201. Am I wrong or does this mean that DD has learned virtually no math in her 2nd grade year? I do believe that emphasis was placed on bringing up the struggling math students in her classroom this year, so I suspect DD spent the year in review mode at best.

DD also recently took the SCAT via JHU CTY and here are her scores (am I providing the correct numbers here?):

Verbal: 40/446/93%

Quant: 35/438/77%

According to CTY, DD is eligible to take both Humanities and Math classes until she's in 6th grade, I believe. I'm not sure if on-site classes are offered at this young age, but we live in KS so we'd be looking at online classes for DD.

Would an online CTY math class over the Summer, and perhaps in the school year, help DD regain some Math-ground? Should we instead hire a tutor, or is that too extreme? Am I over-reacting? We've used Summer proactive math tutoring for our older DSs, just to prepare them for the coming math year, but it's expensive and I haven't been convinced that it helped much. This year, we decided not to spend the money on the older DSs and have them study math on their own.

If you were in my shoes, what would you do? TIA.