Originally Posted by Sweetie
Jodie Foster ....Little Man Tate...but watch it because I forget the actual plot.

Oooh - what about her other movie, Contact? Love that film smile I'm pretty sure it's all kid friendly, but maybe screen it first.

My all time favourite, although it wouldn't make your list because it's just so, so sad, is "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close." What a fantastic portrayal Thomas Horn did of a 9 year old gifted boy with Asperger's (albeit a tormented one... trying to hold on to his father's memory).

Yeah... (sigh). Don't put that on your list for a 6 year old... it's too sad. If you haven't seen it yet, though, it's a must-see.

Last edited by CCN; 06/03/13 01:51 PM.