My 5 year old is supposed to be starting K in the fall but we have already figured out that public school just isn't going to cut the cheese so we are sticking with his private Montessori Preschool where he will be the only K student next we are hoping and praying that his teacher will be able to do some researching and planning and make the curriculum challenging enough for him. We are not thrilled with his school...they are basically "playing" Montessori but it is the best alternative at this time (he also qualifies for the McKay Scholarship here in Florida for students with an IEP where the regular school system doesn't meet his needs, he gets the money that would have been spent on him in public school and we are able to put that towards his tuition at his Montessori school....and if we don't use it next year, he will lose it...his preschool has done all the paperwork in order to accept the scholarship)...for the following year we have NO idea and I am dreading that moment!