Thank you for the recommendation again. I read straight through the article and again can relate to some of the parents and kids situations. I'm hoping to meet with LD's teacher today and I think that I will ask for an IEP to help the teachers and me understand where my son fits in. When my oldest son (LD) was 3 we started going to homeschooling meetings. I only went to 4 of them and found that many of the people that were there, were there for religious reasons. I believe that the rest were there because they felt that their children were being pushed too hard. One woman was amazed that the school, which stands at the bottom of the barrel in the state, would try to teach her 8th grader how to read graphs! Graphs! "Can you believe it? I've never read a graph in my life, who needs to learn that kind of stuff?" I only went to one more meeting, which was really a field trip to a local vet's office. My son had more questions for the vet than any of the other kids.

I'm sure that there are other groups of homeschoolers in my area, I just have to find them. Has anyone reading this utilized sending their kids into school for just a few classes like gym, art, or music?

Thanks again Trinity for your time.

parents of boys l is 6 and d is 3