Originally Posted by ld parents
What is the professional help that you're talking about? Rhode Island's not too far away and we have some money we could use. We almost sent him to a private school this year but fell in love with the teaching sytle of his public school teacher. So that's $4,000 saved.

http://www.grcne.com/services.html#Assesment is Gifted Resource Center of New England
P.O. Box 40326, Providence, RI 02940-0326
(401) 421-3426
Dr. Lovecky
She does a thing called "Educational Assesment" which is IQ tests. She will help you understand your individual child and give you some suggestions for educational ideas.
Call now and get on her waiting list, it isn't short, so even if you aren't sure, call and get on it.

Will the school do any testing? After all, they did want him in "special ed" - LOL!

Here's another wonderful professional, by Aimee Yermish,who calls herself an Educational Therapist, in your state. Contact her ayermish@ALUM.MIT.EDU She is wonderful to talk to.

Here's a link to try for general giftedness reading - http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/

Best Wishes,

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com