Thanks Trinity - you seem to have those links up your sleeve :-)
Will check them out later tonight. Yes, we are in Arts of Problem Solving. Very advance math courses, he is learning that he can't just breeze through math anymore. Thankfuly there is dad with his expertise...
Yep, I am doing tons after school with my son and daughter, mostly because we found out early on that he could not, absolutely could not organize his own time, and when we left him to explore on his own there was tantrum after tantrum. He works best when his world is very structured (apart from his room of course, which has no structure at all but this does not seem to bother him at all;-). Slowly (he will be 12 in 3 months) I can see some changes. He does not need me to be as invloved as he used to, but still loves it when I come to school to do Math Olympiad and still keeps asking if I have already found something interesting for him to do this summer...
Also sending you hugs, Ania