Hi there,

Am brand new here--just found the site this morning. Am already heartened by the active discussions and am looking forward to participating and hopefully helping others! In the meantime, I'm guessing there is expertise here that might help us. My son's recent WISC IV scores are below. Despite the low processing scores, he is an excellent reader. However, he has a really hard time extracting thoughts from his head to write down. (He is a fluent and sophisticated oral communicator.) As a result, his written productivity in school is very low. The teachers totally get what is going on, so we don't have "school problems" in that sense--but we're all searching for ideas that might make it easier for him to write. (We'll teach him to keyboard this summer.) He's in second grade. His other major problem is staying on task (because the inside of his head is so interesting, so he thinks about things rather than focuses on his work, which of course is written and thus, that much less compelling). Similar experiences? Ideas? His fine motor skills are not great, but the real bottleneck is figuring out what he wants to say.

By the way, I suspect his true comprehension and vocabulary scores are higher. But anyway, the main thing I'm wondering about is how to help him with the processing speed stuff--and how that might map to the writing and organizational challenges.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts!

Edited to protect privacy

Last edited by evelyn; 06/04/13 02:33 PM.