La Texican - I think it's really trick to get asynchronous kids through early primary school. School DOES need them have have executive function skills and most kids learn those skills while synchronously learning material that is not boring them out of their brains. What do you do with a kid that IS immature, needs more academically but isn't mature enough to do it the way that school works. It's really frustrating for you as a parent and for the child but it's frustrating for school too.

I know some 4yr olds that are WAY ready for school academically, well behaved for their parents (mostly) and really just AREN'T ready to be at school in all respects other than academically, and those other aspects prevent the academics from working. And then I know kids who are well ready at 4 and may be worse off if they start later... It's so, so hard.

My first child should have been held back a year, my 2nd is skipped once and probably would be better off with another, my 3rd might be my most gifted and might be one of those kids who is fine being very gifted and going through lock step... It's a bit young to tell.