You know Ania, I have no clue. I think the stuff is just so way below his ability. He types a paper about once a month, but I expected way more homework for 9th grade. I don't count the occasional paper typing as "homework". I think of homework as the day to day assignments that one would expect in math, for example. I'd like to see him doing AT LEAST an hour of something school related every night night.

Frankly, I'm worried he'll freak out at the homework level for the AP course. He's flying by easy right now. I remember his 5th grade gifted cluster class as being loaded with homework and then 7th grade pre-algebra being a lot of work, but 8th grade and 9th grade have been a breeze.

Ok...I just asked him. He says he has "media center" time 3 days a week at school where he can study and use the computers for papers. Math -- He laughed. He's in geometry/algebra and he says it is like a review of the last 2 years. What homework he has he finishes in other classes. What's he doing in those other classes, nothing, says the Rite-the-Great.

He's getting straight A's.

So basically he's getting by with it because there is nothing challenging him. This district does nothing for gifted kids except for "honors cluster" and AP. PSEO is open to everyone.

Hope that 'splains it Lucy!!!

Willa Gayle