Originally Posted by ElizabethN
DS4 was obsessed with books from about age six months on. (I have an amusing anecdote that I've told here before about that and a daycare worker who just couldn't calm him when she worked with him.) We read to him a lot, and at 3.5, he started reading back. He's all about Captain Underpants and Ricky Ricotta right now. He would still rather have us read them to him than read them on his own, but he will spend an hour at a time leafing through them. He's going fast enough that I think it's unlikely he's actually reading, rather than just looking at the pictures, but I don't know for sure.

That's adorable! I agree with ellemenope...I bet your DS is grasping most of the content.

It's funny you mention your DS' preference for being read to. My DS seems to have all his books mostly memorized now. If I leave out word or sentence at random, he fills it in verbatim, but he gets put off if DH or I make him tell too much of the story! Maybe that speaks to the fact that the perceived value our children derive from stories is primarily emotional, and the cognitive stuff is just a nice bonus? smile

What is to give light must endure burning.