I had the pleasure of chatting with one of our librarians this week who impressed me in her openness and honesty about early ability. With the library around the corner, we drop by at least once a week, and I practically return books by the cart at the rate my son reads. Needless to say, we're familiar faces.

If left to set the pace, DS will ask me to read one book after another by title for upwards of 4 hours. Ask me how I know this...I was curious one day this week and indulged him until he hit his limit. I think every stuffed animal--and several of his trucks-- read or acted out a book. Frankly, it was a lot of fun!

The librarian was delighted at this! She focused on his passion for books and the excitement it brings him, taking my comments completely at face value, which was refreshing after dealing with her snarky colleague--the children's librarian-- previously. She said she wouldn't be surprised, given his obvious love of books, if he stared reading soon and offered a few examples of children who had done so after exhibiting an extreme love of books. She referenced 2 as being an age where she had seen early readers spurt. (Whenever he reads will be fine, provided it is at his initiative.)

What a wonderful librarian! She saw the joy of a little boy experiencing new and exciting worlds through books and didn't for a second project an ugly stereotype on our family. She understands that learning is like breathing to some children...it just...happens!

We are SO fortunate to have her.

What is to give light must endure burning.