Rant away lol, I got my nickers in a knot with this and yes there are definitely more gifted clever able children ( not even to mention the profoundly gifted with massive IQ scores) but I am suddenly feeling so unsure. After doing some reading on a research study on an Australian website they explained that with some gifted children with slower processing speeds the FSIQ is unreliable and shouldn't be used as a measuring tool. The little boy she is constantly measured up against is a full year older and his sting gifted ness is specifically in maths. He also gets tutoring etc. my DD's psych report stated she is already underachieving in maths and now says she 'hates' it and can't do it all due to this pressure to do it quicker ' like xyz' does. Her perfectionism and self criticism then goes crazy and a downward spiral - she cannot see that she is doing great only that she isn't doing enough or as well as due to the comparison. I feel so so nervous going to see the teachers because I am prone to being bullied by them and I find it hard not to let them turn it around and not focus on what she really needs. Feel like I need a lawyer to go with me!