
I would love some input on the following results for my DD we got end of last year when she was 6 years 7 months old.She is in Year 2 now in Australia turned 7 in January and will turn 8 when she goes to year 3 next year.

The results are below. She is currently stressed out at school, frustrated reading readers she could read in prep, her processing speed is average and this causes stress for her with regards to Maths as she is in top maths group but panics when her peers know the answers before her then melts down and can't do it getting flustered. Some social issues due to perceived bossiness but when with older children or those in the gifted programmes this isn't an issue.

She is very intense but very interesting and enjoyable albeit hard work :-) She gravitates to adults and older children. She talked in sentences by 10 months old and walked at 10.5 months. She has an insatiable desire to learn and be doing something or discovering something - always has. She would cry at 2.5 years old because she wanted to read herself. By 4.5 she was reading words and we sent her to school a year earlier than the norm because of this.

I feel very confused by the results and with her current school situation I am doubting myself, what the psychologists said and what I read. Am I reading too much into the tests and she is just 'an average kid' as the teacher says - teacher said she isn't convinced about the report and that she has other really gifted kids in the class, thereby saying she isnt the brightest so why am i hounding her type of response.Please help me get some perspective as I am not sure how to cope with and handle the meltdowns and not sure she is being challenged at school, or perhaps she is just a normal kid who has ups and downs? Sooooo confused !! I have asked for a meeting with class teacher and gifted ed leader but now I am doubting everything.

Full Scale IQ 123 94% 116-128
General Ability Index (GAI) 129 97%122-133
Cognitive Proficiency Index (CPI) 112 79% 104-118
Crystallised Knowledge ​Verbal Comprehension Index 119 90% 109-125
Fluid Reasoning ​Perceptual Reasoning Index 131 98% 120-136
Short Term Memory ​Working Memory Index 110 75% 101-117
​Processing Speed Index106 66% 95-115
Long Term Retrieval 118 88% 108-127
Auditory Processing 155 >99.9% 140-169 Exceptional
Phonemic Awareness 150 >[b]99.9% 136-164 Exceptional

Reading Ability (Grw-R) 139 99.5% Exceptional
Writing Ability 128 97%
Oral Language160 >99.9% Exceptional