Thanks, Wren! That setup does sound a little better in some ways; it would be great to be able to print out practice sheets, but as far as I know on EPGY there's only a practice test at the end of the course you can really do that with. DD has been bothered by what you mention that sometimes in EPGY the lecture comes after problems that use a new technique that is taught in that lecture. I think that might work to encourage independent thought in a setting with a helpful and positive tutor, but it doesn't work very well the way it is presented in EPGY and DD has been very frustrated by it although now she recognizes it is the way EPGY is sometimes. We might take a look at CTY but there's always an issue switching between curricula of missing subjects or redoing them, I guess. Thanks though for mentioning CTY has changed at least some things; that might make it more useful for some kids. smile