Originally Posted by AtSouthDam
Are some of these likely to be eliminated? Or is this a case where they all overlap so badly they may not be able to tell what is what? And will all of this effect how she learns?

The more I learn, through school and personal research, the more I think they're all kind of... different versions of the same thing.

For example, HFA seems to be right next to severe, combined type ADHD on a continuum, differing mainly by degree of severity (but being very similar in terms of deficits & characteristics). Then you have something like OCD, where sufferers perseverate on things... but wait... isn't perseveration a spectrum thing? And aren't the OCD perseverations a means of managing anxiety? So... do they have anxiety, or OCD? Or both? Or... (I could go on but you get the idea)

It's like one big house, but with different rooms.

Last edited by CCN; 04/29/13 04:04 PM.