I'd say that most were parents of HG-PG kids. There were also many therapists, assessment specialists, etc. A nice mix, all in all.

Tamora Pierce did THREE sessions over the w/e! I sat in on the first, sans kids. My Mom had my girls that day. Artemis really enjoyed the session she attended. But I want to let everyone know that these were not actually workshops that taught writing skills. Rather, they were roundtable discussions on topics like , "How do you get your ideas?" "Is it important to finish every story you begin?", etc. Tamora did share some details on her process and she also talked about what she has in the pipeline.

It's nice to know there are other TP fans here. I share the Pierce books with DS 11 and DD8.

Cym, I am surprised and a bit dismayed to hear that you found SENG disappointing. I am (or was!) upset that I can't attend the national conference this July. I haven't been before, but I do know some amazing people who are involved, and I would expect more than elementary gifted stuff to be offered. Gosh, I hope it's more than that!