Quantum, I didn't realize you had an older dysgraphic child. I would for sure suspect dysgraphia based on having someone else in the family who has it - dysgraphia and dyslexia can both have familial tendencies. Left-right confusion is also *not* common for this age group - our neuropsych felt our ds' left-right confusion was an issue at 8.

I agree that even though it's perhaps not an issue now, you're wise to think forward and prep for accommodations in middle school. Have you thought of going the route of requesting a 504 hearing? Some of the data you can use to advocate for the accommodations is data you can collect at home. Or... (sorry I'm skipping around because I'm thinking "out loud" as I write)... have you actually had a team meeting to discuss whether or not your ds should be considered for the IEP eligibility process (this is the process that includes the full testing). If not, I'd request an eligiblity review in writing. I understand the OT is not going to agree to it - but you still have the right to have a meeting and make a team decision re whether or not your ds requires an eligibility review. If the team together all says "no", you can appeal that decision and possibly get an Independent Evaluation.

I reaquested another evaulation. The school is required to provide an "informal" evaluation but does not need to take it any further (convene IEP meeting to authorize full evaulation) if the OT opines that it is not warranted.

Can't you request that a team meeting be called to consider an evaluation? Or is that what you did? The way it works as I understand it is, you would put the request for an evaluation in writing and the school would have x # of days to respond (60 days per Federal Law, sometimes less per state law or school district policy). The school team will meet within that time frame (and the meeting should include parents), and the team together will agree yay or nay to an eligibility review. If the team says "no" - the parents still usually have a right to appeal and request an independent eval.


ps - another thought - do you think you could get a private OT eval through your medical insurance?

Last edited by polarbear; 04/19/13 11:35 AM.