I am not sure that most ophthalmologists believe that convergence disorders are a problem. If you go to an optometrist who does vision therapy, they will say that it is a big problem. I am not sure who is correct, but I will give you my experience.

My 7 yo had the exact same issues on block design and our tester told us to go get him evaluated. He saw double with many things on the vision testing and had a convergence inefficiency. I did some of the tests and realized that I too could use the exercises. My son did daily exercises (more than 1) and went to vision 2 times a week for 20 sessions. At initial outset his reading level in terms of the way his eyes worked together and he read, was at 5.5 grade. He was an inefficient reader however because some of his scores were at college level. After 20 sessions, he was at 10.5 grade with ranges from 8th to college (which are much better than original span of 4th to college level). His convergence inefficiency is totally gone and it is truly amazing at how much better his vision is.

I have to do the exercises with him and my vision has improved tremendously. I am near sighted and say that my vision is so crystal clear that I feel like when I get my eyes checked and and I see crystal clear again. If you wear glasses, this may make sense to you.

My son's handwriting is terrible (dysgraphia diagnosis) but has improved a bunch since vision therapy.