During assessment phase of ds6 in kindergarten, the tester asked when we last saw opthalmologist. Ironically enough, ds recently saw opthalmologist, because he told he violin teacher that he saw 6 strings and thus was squinting. The opthamologist gave me a daily exercise to do, but didn't see it as a big problem.

The tester said she noticed that he really struggled with block design- squinting, turning his head and ended up giving up. Tester also told me this problem causes problems reading (he's reading strongly 3-4 th grade level)writing (he's lefty and writing is very poor), and doing worksheets (which he hates). Tester also said it can make him wiggly and have trouble paying attention.

Two things come to mind- thank goodness we decided to get him evaluated!! I feel conflicted by the difference of how this disorder was presented to me. I am going to request the record from opthalmologist for tester. This is making me wonder if the 1 exercise is enough? Does anyone have experience with this?

Any and all thoughts are welcome.

Side note, the testing is not complete. It's very hard to wait. I know it doesn't change my child. I am just anxious to hear the tester's recommendations and start working on getting a plan in place. I am now starting to worry I may be dealing with a more complex situation than I thought.