Our son took the WISC-IV at age 7, just as he was starting 4th grade. Only the district gifted coordinator seemed interested in the outcome (>99.9).

The WJ-III Achievement test, however, got the attention of the school teachers & admin. He scored essentially >99.9 across the board, with a Grade Equivalency (G.E.) of 13.0. (Broad Reading was >18.0 G.E.!)

In our Big Meeting, I gave the school folks time to look over the results and then asked what the G.E. told them. There were plenty of dismissive comments like, "Well, it certainly doesn't mean this kid is ready for High School..."

I let the teachers bat this one around for a few minutes and then finally interrupted to say that I totally, 100% agreed with them -- there was no way I interpreted the results to mean that he was ready for high-school work. 12th Grade would definitely NOT be appropriate for this child.

"But," I said, "can't we also agree that the test results clearly indicate that 4th grade is not be the best for him either?"

In the end, he moved into 5th shortly after that meeting and did very well. They also let him do 5th & 6th Grade math on EPGY at home so he could work at his own pace.

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As an aside -- is California that different from the rest of the country? I always thought that 8yo were typically in 3rd grade out here, so I'm caught off guard when reading stories like this, with a 8yo in 2nd. I can't imagine the frustration O.P.'s son must be faced with as a 151 8yo in 2nd grade.


Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house. - Fran Lebowitz