Welcome! From what you've written, it seems that your DD already knows the kindergarten curriculum, so she would be repeating academics if you put her in kindergarten. Do any of the options you mention have gifted programming or acceleration available in early elem? You could investigate to see if she could go to kindergarten next year, but then be subject accelerated as appropriate. This is sort of what we did with our January birthday DS. He got some differentiation/pullouts in kindergarten with age-mates, then skipped first. First has a lot less opportunity to play, and is more focused on beginning to read and do very basic math, at least in our district.

Another thought is to request testing now with local public schools and get their advice. It is very helpful if you have some data when making these decisions.

If your DD is quite advanced, very bright, or indeed GT, she will have more chance of finding kids like her in a bigger classroom of kids.