Originally Posted by polarbear
If you're not worried about screen time, my kids also went through a Spore phase prior to Minecraft, and in some ways I like Spore better - it's something kids who love to build will enjoy - it's just a different type of "building" (you build civilizations). Personally I think it offers a bit more of a brainy challenge than Minecraft.

Re the saving things forever - my dd9 went through a long phase of that, but for her it was just a phase so it might be just a phase for your dd too. I don't have any great parenting advice to get you through it - for our dd we basically just had to say "these are family rules, we don't keep ____ (or we only keep ____ x #s etc)". I like the idea of taking pictures and keeping a scrapbook as a way of easing out of keeping everything.

Best wishes,


Neither daughter spends a lot of time on the computer. Not that they wouldn't if we let them, but we are just too busy.
I think I've seen something about Spore - possibly for the DS or Wii. Did your kids play on the computer or a different platform?