Our daughters love Legos and we have amassed quite a collection. Our problem is this - DD9 likes to build things but then doesn't want to ever take her creations apart. Her solution is to bribe her sister into letting her use her Legos or to just go buy more(or more often than not - ask us to buy her more). I wonder if maybe she just needs to move on to something beyond Legos, but what would that be?

She is already doing some motorized Legos at school and both girls are currently putting together a helicopter Erector set at home.
We have some Magformers that she rarely even touches and I even dug out my old Tinker Toys and Lincoln Logs(which I loved back in the day), but she didn't care much for them. I also found a 3D puzzle at a garage sale that we will try.

Here are some things I've thought about getting - please tell me what you think or if you have any other ideas!
1. K'Nex
2. Keva Contraptions
3. Snapcircuits
4. Elenco Electronics (I really like the thought of the Electronic Playground, but not sure if the product will hold up)