Originally Posted by kmbunday
I regularly participate in a weekly journal club during the school year with a lot of behavior genetics researchers, and also am part of an online group for the Behavior Genetics Association. Most of the active researchers in this field DO NOT expect to find any powerful gene associations with membership in the Study of Exceptional Talent (SET),


which is the study population reported on here.

Are you trying to say there's no such thing as natural talent?

In a recent thread we discussed that brain scans taken by the National Institute of Mental Health show that areas of the brain develop on a different timeline for gifted or average children, similar to the way adhd childrens brains develop on a different schedule than average? Wouldn't brain growth rate be governed by a gene?

But I'm not in a Behavior Geneticist Club so I'll just stick with making a more pedestrian point. Some kids at school are staying after school for tutoring because they can not keep up with the class. Other kids are sitting in the same classroom listening to the same lessons and waiting for the rest of the class to catch up. There is obviously such a thing as natural talent. If there is such a thing then it follows there must be degrees of natural talent.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar