I am new here but I completely understand what you were going through. I would like to find something like that too. I currently homeschool my 6 year old daughter after sending her to first grade for one month and getting completely frustrated. I actually cried after the Open House. I have not had any formal testing for her and I have to get on the ball with that.

My problem was that I went to the school, spoke to the principal and the teachers who deal with gifted children. I showed a second grade teacher what she was doing and she admitted she was advanced. I also spoke to the one in charge of the gifted program for the school system in the county to no avail. They all assured me she would be assessed but when school started, I felt as if no one had communicated. Sure enough, I was right. The teacher had no idea about my daughter being advanced and I thought she did. When I asked if she could read her own books for free reading, I was told "no because she might lose her book." She was reading her 5th Harry Potter book since July. I don't think it would get lost in a first grade classroom. That was my first indication. I also asked the teacher about Accelerated Reader. After one month, the highest they let her go was Amelia Bedelia which she was reading over 2 years ago. They never filled me in on anything that was going on and I grew increasingly frustrated. I will be looking for a school situation similar to the one you found probably next year or for third grade. I am glad you found something like this for you and your child.