polarbear - I wasn't asking them to help me limit my son's screen time. I was actually asking for a recommendation for another math program that I could just substitute for DreamBox occasionally. His comment was that I didn't need another program I needed to make him go play. There has yet to be an actual response to my email and I don't really expect one at this point.

The comment about what we were going to do with him in the coming years was an attempt to get them to look at what he had been doing. This program was offered to appease me but I also see it as something that they could look at a little more objectively than they do what I tell them. I think that DreamBox has many holes in what it calls it's curriculum. I don't see it as a full substitute for math instruction but that his progress might get them to take me and DS a little more seriously.

He definitely meant that DS should stop playing DreamBox and play outside. I'm trying to remember the weather we had at the beginning of the week, specifically Monday, since that is the day he referenced, but I can't. We've had a decent day or two lately and every one of those he has spent at least an hour outside prior to even thinking about playing DreamBox. That comment might have been a little more innocent than I took it but I am not totally convinced especially after the last P/T conference involving him.

It's over now. I'm not bringing it up again on my own but I will respond, politely, to any such comments in the future. What an active minefield getting your child an appropriate education is turning out to be!

Thanks for your comments I like getting a chance to see other perspectives.