your 7yo sounds Wonderful!!!
Agreed- don't change what Aint broken lol

If a kid is HAPPY ? I say let them be, the fact some of our kids actually ENJOY learning new things seems to be like some crime almost against us as parents and I'm tired of all that...

*let them be kids how they choose to be kids- follow their lead on their "play" choices, give them creative freedom to explore what They want... Why must we force them into a box? make them conform to what society says is "normal"? What is normal?

If your DS7 enjoys doing Math apps? who cares? let him! (i think you are a terrific parent and i don't even know you!)
That may not be the neighbor kids choice, but whose to say your DS isn't that child who will "change the world" and make a difference etc etc, not to say the kid who just plays baseball all day or video games won't!

But if we don't let kids do what they want,as far as to create, explore, learn, etc--- we are doing a disservice and limiting them and so on.

i'm done.

One can never consent to creep when
one feels an impulse to soar!
~Helen Keller