Generally, she loves school. We had a problem with another girl in her class being mean to her (the school didn't want to call it bullying). So that was a huge problem, but they handled it well, and it's a lot better now. I can still see that she is stressed somewhat by the social dynamics and conflicts at school, but it's more normal type issues now.

A has complained a little bit about math being boring, and I don't think there's been a whole lot of differentiation there.

The teacher lets A help read the stories to the class. Sometimes the teacher sits one-on-one with A and has her read out loud, asks her questions, etc.

Every morning when the children do their writing, the teacher tries to have A do inventive spelling rather than the copying the other children are doing. She also has A write on other work. For example, if the children are working on numbers, A writes the numbers out as well sometimes.

The teacher has tried to get A making books. I don't know how well A has done with the writing part.

So, lots of writing. A's teacher knows we are considering pushing for a skip, so I think she is trying to get A writing. k is expected to write quite a bit by the end of the year.

There are no chapter books or easy readers in the room, but lots of picture books. A sometimes brings in books from home.

I don't think they spend a huge amount of time on reading and math. They play a lot. There's gym or movement every day. They also have science and Spanish. A misses computer, library, and art (usually), because they are in the afternoon., But next year she would be there for these. They do art in their classroom too, so she gets some of that. Sometimes she misses playground too, if it's in the afternoon. They have playtime (open work tome) quite a bit, and grade 1 wouldn't have this.

A also has a huge issue with not paying attention to what she is supposed to be doing. She watches what other kids are doing. Or she'll just stand in front of the sink for 10 minutes not washing her hands. She once sat on the potty for a good 15 minutes and then announced, "4 5s make 20!" She had been staring at the radiator grate. So she's thinking, but I'm not sure she's ready for the structure of grade 1.

We are considering having testing for A, IQ and academic progress. There is a gifted clinic near where we live where we could have this done, and get recommendations about her academic needs.

A's favorite part of school is getting to play dress up. She wouldn't get to do this in 1. Also, she is very young for her grade already. She will still be 4 in September.