Originally Posted by master of none
Our school system will not accept CTY or AOPS. Check with your district or state (depending on who offers course approval). To get credit we have different places for different classes so you can't use an all in one curriculum. And the choices are expensive and no better than public school offerings.

Would you be OK with placement rather than credit? For example, our schools won't offer credit if the course was taken in middle school but will let you take the next level class--say Algebra 2 if you've already had algebra 1. But you still have to take the total number of required math credits to graduate (4 here). You just start at Alg 2 instead of alg 1.

Thanks for writing. Placement is exactly what we have in mind. We just want DS to have the opportunity to take more advanced math classes in high school and be with the other advanced kids.

I looked at our high school's website and yes they also have specific and very restrictive places to take online courses. Sigh. I will talk to them soon to get a general idea of how this works.