Hi, parents,

I haven't been here for a few years. I visited when DS was little. Now he is in middle school and we just moved him to a private school. We tried very hard to "cope" with the public school system but have given up. The private school is very accomodating and the teachers are wonderful and they really "get" DS. But the only issue is that their math course offering is very limited. This should not be a big deal as we are ready to supplement with online courses. But we also hope that these courses (we are looking at geometry and algebra 2 at this point) will earn DS high school credits so that he can get into more advanced classes right away when he enters high school (the private school is only to 8th grade). I'm sure a lot of parents here have kids who take onlne courses for high school credit. Is this fairly routine now and most public school districts would have no problem accepting these credits? I'm talking about credible online schools such as CTY and Art of Problem Solving. I'm honestly scared of our school district, just not sure how they will react about anything now... I'd appreciate it if you could share your experience. Thanks very much.