DeHe, like CAMom, I was also thinking that many of the things you describe sound like dyspraxia (my ds is also dyspraxic). Speech challenges can be related and are sometimes referred to as "apraxia of speech".

I think I'd wonder about what your SLP noted though - re the impact seeming to be on one side, and the things you've noticed about one side weaker than the other. My suggestion for a next step would be to bring this up with your ped and get his/her ideas re what might be up. On the one hand, it would matter to me to know what was causing the issues as much as you can find out - it might make a difference in understanding potential future challenges, understanding how your ds is having to navigate the world right now, and also might help in advocating for your ds to have a specific name for the cause. OTOH, even if you never find out what the root cause is, or if it's CP/Dyspraxia/whatever, I'm also guessing the "what to do next" may be very similar - continue with OT/SLP/etc to work through the challenges.

Let us know what you find out -


ps - I would also try to totally NOT worry over anything you've read here or might read while googling symptoms! Remember, the internet does not know *your* child... we're just tossing out ideas for you and we're all seeing what you've written both through the filter of the limited things you've posted and our own limited experience.

pps - the one other thing about dyspraxia - it impacts every person differently, and not all people have all the symptoms - most people have odds and ends of symptoms rather than meeting every bullet on a checklist.